There will be a wildlife rehabilitation conference in Wisconsin. Here are the details:
"Wisconsin Wildlife Rehabilitation Association (WWRA) is pleased to announce registration is open for the annual Wisconsin Wildlife Rehabilitation Conference February 10 in Madison, Wisconsin, at the Goodman Center (214 Waubesa St, Madison, WI 53704)."
We have made this day affordable and easy to do a 1 day trip down and back so you don't miss too many feedings, can get backup for your rehab patients, and can make it no matter the weather! (It is Wisconsin.....)
We encourage everyone to register by January 30 to get those early bird prices-- and lunch, coffee, and snacks are included!
We have the absolutely wonderful Gail Buhl of Partners for Wildlife to start us off in the morning to discuss the new Wildlife Rehabilitation Knowledge Exchange and then 3 tracks of speakers.
After lunch, join your fellow wildlife rehabilitators for a veterinarian panel and bring your questions and cases to discuss.
We will have an awesome raffle to raise funds for WWRA scholarships. Prizes include a $75 gift certificate with NWRAs, a Carmex basket, Green Bay Packer item, and wine and cheese! All essential items for the wildlife rehabilitator!
We hope you can join us for an amazing day of knowledge and networking and just great rehab stories!
If you have any questions, please contact us anytime! You can reach me directly at;
Hope to see you February 10th! And thanks for all you do for wildlife!
Your WWRA Board: Peggy, Crystal, Tom, Brittni, Lori, Sara, Cherish, and Kaitlin"
